Ms. Tasha and Ms. Charlette celebrating a student’s last day in the Butterfly classroom.

Anchored in an educational tradition that began in 1972 (fifty years ago!) the Hill Preschool takes pride in helping students develop into bright and engaging young learners as they prepare to enter their elementary years..

The Hill Preschool is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and your contributions are tax deductible. We operate with tight margins, balancing quality early childhood education and the needs of our teachers and staff.

Your support not only helps provide tuition for a student annually, it helps our program with technology, materials, and offsets losses. Donations come in many shapes and sizes - from cash to store programs, to engaging with our periodic fundraisers. We hope that you will consider helping The Hill Preschool reach our goals!

The Annual Fund

Setting up for a community event in 2019.

Setting up for a community event in 2019.

We invite you to support Hill Preschool’s Annual Fund, which helps us provide meaningful experiences for our students, families, and staff.

Tuition alone does not cover all school expenses, which is why we invite you to contribute to our Annual Fund, supporting key initiatives that enrich our community.

The fund will contribute to:

  • Staff benefits for retention and well-being

  • New educational materials and resources

  • Professional development for teachers

  • Classroom renovations and beautification

Annual Fund Giving 2023-2024

Annual Fund Giving

Entered by customer


This year’s goal is 100% family participation. We suggest a $500 contribution per family, approximately $60/month, but any amount is appreciated. You may choose to contribute via a one-time lump sum or monthly installments added to your invoice.

Please indicate your preferred contribution and email us back the completed form. All donations are tax-deductible.

Community partners

We are fortunate to be part of such a tremendous and supportive community. Capitol Hill is home to many vibrant and engaged businesses. A special thank you to Gingko Gardens for helping make our school garden the special place that it is!


Yearly fun at HPS

There are ways to have fun while supporting The Hill Preschool all year long. Some include:

  • Picture Day

  • HPS Fall Pumpkin Patch!

  • Winter Arts & Crafts

  • Love Treats!

  • Spring Fling


Decorate your own Heart cookies for Love Treats (from 2023)


A former student enjoys the HPS Pumpkin Patch!