School Days

During the school day teachers and students engage in a broad range of activities from circle time to learning activities to field trips and more.  Their days are filled with education and fun!


Circle Time

Each day, all of our classes have the opportunity to gather as a large group. They listen to stories, engage in music and movement, play games, and explore concepts of literacy and numeracy. Through listening, turn taking, and collaborating ideas, the children develop their ability to self-regulate and work well with others.


hands on learning

Our activities and curriculum support sensory explorations that develop curiosity, critical reasoning skills, and foundational knowledge of interdisciplinary concepts. During classroom explorations, children observe, predict, test, and question.

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Outdoor play is a very important part of our school day. The children play outside twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. We use neighborhood parks and playgrounds to run, climb, jump, and dig! These simple outdoor experiences are critical to a young child's development.


field trips

We extend our learning into the community each month while taking trips to cultural institutions such as sculpture gardens and local museums! Our classes engage with experts such as curators, paleontologists, geologists, weavers, and chefs while out in the community.


Free Play

Child-guided explorations across the classroom interest areas provide our young learners with important unstructured play time each day. Teachers serve as an important resource during free play time by providing meaningful materials, extending conversations, scaffolding learning, and modeling prosocial interactions.